Click Here for additional information on sponsorships.
• Gift will support the expansion of the Medical School
• Eight tickets to the event
RESIDENT | $5,000
• Gift will support the Dean’s Fund for Excellence
• Six tickets to the event
INTERN | $2,500
• Gift will support the Dean’s Fund for Excellence
• Four tickets to the event
• Gift will support medical student scholarships
• Two tickets to the event
PRE-MED | $500
• In Honor of the late Dr. Ira J. Gelb
• In Honor of the late Dr. Michael Friedland
• One tickets to the event
• Provide a medical student’s first white coat. In the pocket of each new white coat will be the name of an individual or family who supported their dream of becoming a doctor.
• One ticket to the event
• Gift will provide scholarship support throughout a student’s four-year medical school journey. Your pledge of $20,000 or more may be paid annually in installments of $5,000.
• Ten Attendees
DEAN'S CIRCLE| $25,000
Leave a Legacy with a $25,000 gift or more to establish an Endowment Fund in one of the following areas:
- medical student scholarships
- graduate student scholarships
- medical school expansion
- biomedical research
- Ten Attendees
To make a White Coat Society or Dean’s Circle gift please contact Sara Greene by phone at (561) 297-2984.